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Help Support "The Cat Rescuers"

Steven Lawrence of Yerosha and Rob Fruchtman are raising $50,000 to finish shooting their feature doc about the epidemic of abandoned and feral cats in NYC. Titled "The Cat Rescuers," it follows the work of 4 dedicated activists – Sassee, Stu, Tara and Claire - who are on the Brooklyn streets day and night rescuing starving and injured animals, getting them neutered and returned to their colonies (TNR), or adopted into loving homes.

Rescuers like the ones in the film are essential because the City’s response to the problem has been woefully inadequate. "The Cat Rescuers" is the first film to effectively look at what it takes to reverse this problem, which confronts not only NYC but also cities and towns nationwide and around the world.

Take a look at our sample video and please consider making a tax-deductible donation.

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